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11 Mar 2021
Last Change Range From Eureka Dunes, Death Valley National Park

Eureka Sand Dunes and Last Chance Range

Last weekend I got to do a little getaway to one of my favorite places to explore, the Eastern Sierra portion of Highway 395. My first night out I stayed at the Eureka Sand Dunes in Death Valley National Park. I have long wanted to experience the dunes and the nearby mountains, the Last Chance Range, at sunset. It wasn’t the dramatic sunset sky experience I had hoped for, but I did have the unexpected pleasure of hiking through a […]

22 Feb 2021
Desiccated Cactus

Desiccated Cacti

I broke out my macro lens for a favorite subject of mine, desiccated cacti. I have been searching for these dried out remains on my local hikes for several years now. I discovered their beautiful textures a few years back when I stumbled across a prickly pear cactus patch that had been recently scorched by a local brush fire. I just love the web-like fibrous patterns and the complexity behind it all. I’ve gained a new appreciation for cacti exploring […]

16 Feb 2021
Snow Dusting, San Bernardino Mountains

Snow Dusting, San Bernardino Mountains

A winter snow dusting in the San Bernardino mountains on the edge of El Dorado burn area from September 2020. After assembling my last two photo calendars I realized I was lacking in the wintry scenes department. Unfortunately it’s been a very mild winter here in Southern California, but I was able to capture this small snow dusting a few weeks back while I was searching for snow my girls could play in. With the COVID travel restrictions loosening I’m […]

12 Jan 2021

Seeking Light: Recapping my Best Photos of 2020

It’s that time of year again when I look back on the year that was for me photographically, my best photos of 2020. This is my sixth year of posting my personal favorites and I thought I would switch up the format from previous years. This year I am going to share a little story or anecdote about the importance of the image to me and how it shaped or was shaped by events in 2020. As for the year […]

04 Jan 2021
Summer Storm Passing Over Great Sand Dunes National Park

What’s Lost is Found: Rediscovered Images 2020 Edition

Every year I look back at the best of the images I created that year and I sometimes post a collection of my favorite rediscovered images from my back catalog of work. And this past year was the perfect shelter-in-place storm to spend some time mining for those hidden gems that were overlooked or incomplete from my past trips. The span of these images go all the back to my first digital camera (and it’s whopping six megapixel sensor) to […]

22 Sep 2020
Last Light on Fire Canyon - Valley of Fire

Last Light on Fire Canyon – Valley of Fire State Park

This image was taken on the first night of our trip a little over a week ago while we watch to last light on Fire Canyon fade away. We definitely had no trouble with the smoke from all the wild fires that were raging in the west. We had very strong winds from the east, so strong that it blew over semi-trucks on I-15 in Utah. Where we were I had to hold onto my camera tripod to make sure […]

23 Mar 2020
Precipice Lake in the Morning Light High-Quality Photo Print

Looking at 2020: The Social Distancing Edition

This post is two months later than I had intended, but my personal life has been a bit hectic of late. We moved to a new house in February which has consumed any spare moment I’ve had the last three months. The year has started pretty chaotic between the move, uncertainty of future work thanks to AB-5 in California, and now the whole world is social distancing and self-quarantining itself. For now, looking ahead to future summer and fall trips […]

02 Jan 2020

My Photo Highlights of 2019

The Visual Highlights of 2019 It’s that time of year again. Time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the new one, and a new decade. 2019 was quieter travel-wise, but it still provided plenty of visual opportunities. Our little family made some memorable trips throughout California. As for a personal update 2019 was a lot less dramatic than previous years. Life still has it’s challenges being a widower and single parent, but no where near as […]

18 Feb 2019
New Life From a Fallen Sentinel

New Life from a Fallen Sentinel – Featured Image

Not the typical image you would see from the redwood forests in Northern California, but one that I have been drawn to for a long time. This is photo is one of those hidden gems from my back catalog of photos from previous trips. Taken in Redwood National Park almost nine years ago–I always loved this image but could never quite get the composition to work. That is until I changed the crop from it’s horizontal-orientation to a vertical one. […]

29 Dec 2018
Light Filtering Through Catherdral Gorge

My Best Images of 2018

Reflecting on the Past Year Another year is winding down, so it’s time to reflect on the year that was. Thankfully this year was not nearly as life-changing as the previous couple of years have been. 2018 did have it’s fill of great trips including a trip through Nevada and central Utah, a very wet backpacking trip to the Big Pine Lakes in John Muir Wilderness, and fall color trip spanning both sides of the Sierra Nevada. Here are my […]