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Monthly Archives: April 2018

30 Apr 2018
Corkscrew Tree, Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest

Corkscrew Tree – Featured Image

This ancient skewed tree is one of my favorites in the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest just east of the Sierra Nevada, in the White Mountains. I affectionately call it the Corkscrew Tree (not it’s actual name) because of it’s twisted tree trunk. These distinctively contorted trees live in one the harshest growing environments, and yet are some of the oldest known living organisms in the world. The oldest being the Methuselah tree which is over 4,800 years old.

25 Apr 2018

Medano Creek Mud – Featured Image

One of the unique features of the sand dunes at Great Sand Dunes National Park is you have to cross a creek, Medano Creek, to get to the them. It’s not particularly deep so it’s easy to cross and most vistors to the park rarely take notice of the body of water they’re crossing. But as you can see it creates it’s own visual features. Capturing these images in the pre-dawn hours not only gave these images their blue tones, […]

09 Apr 2018
Storm Clouds Gathering Over McGee Mountain

Storm Clouds Gathering Over McGee Mountain – Featured Image

The summer season in the eastern Sierra Nevada often brings thunder storms to the area which can lead to some rather dramatic clouds as they pass through the mountains. It’s one of my favorite times of year to visit, and explore this incredible mountain range. Last summer was my first time visiting McGee Creek and McGee Mountain, but I am sure it won’t be my last.

04 Apr 2018

Morning Clouds in the Cummings Valley – Featured Image

Last week I spent some time in Tehachapi and the Cummings Valley where we were treated to a very cold spring storm that gave us some sleet and dusted the surrounding mountains giving us winter look for little over a day. For a town that boast four seasons we were treated to some surprising wintry weather just before Easter. The image above was the day after our sleet storm, as you can see we were still socked in with some […]