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Monthly Archives: October 2014

23 Oct 2014

Storm Break at Sunset Panoramic – Weekly Photo

One thing I love about doing panoramic photos is the opportunity to expand beyond the standard dimensions of the camera frame. I remember the first time I experienced Disneyland’s Circle Vision as a kid and being blown away seeing a film that gave you a 360 degree perspective. The idea of expanding the photographic canvas beyond the standard 2×3 or 4×5 dimensions is quite inspiring. This week’s photo was again from my trip through Utah this past summer we were […]

14 Oct 2014
Thunderheads Forming Over Arches National Park

Thunderclouds Forming Over Arches Natl. Park – Weekly Photo

Our first full day in Moab we were treated to some rather dramatic thunderheads that eventually became a significant late spring storm. Unbeknownst to us we were about to begin three days of significant rain with intermittent patches of sunshine. It might make for spectacular pictures but it does wreak havoc on a campsite. This particular image really stood out to me because of the repetition of the sandstone shapes in the clouds. Click here to see more photos from […]

05 Oct 2014

Highlighted Butte Near Mexican Hat, UT – Weekly Photo

This image was what I consider a serendipity moment on the road. We were leaving the Cedar Mesa area heading down to our next major destination White Pocket (of which I have shown several images). Most of our drive was gloomy and overcast but just as we were near Mexican Hat, and dinner, the sky started to break creating the scene you see here. We didn’t seek out the particular spot we just kind of fell into it. Click here […]