Anyone who has followed me for a while knows I have a soft spot for bristlecone trees. They make for such fascinating subjects. In fall 2023 I wanted to introduce them to Kim on our trip up through the Eastern Sierra Nevada. So we did a quick little early morning hike where I discovered this beautiful tree. I have probably walked past this tree 10-15 times before, but for whatever reason it caught my attention this trip in the autumnal morning light. I am grateful to have stopped. It was such a peaceful morning in the grove that I won’t soon forget.

Another photo from the best of 2023, and since it was taken on the first day of autumn I thought it fitting to be my September images in my new calendar on sale on my Etsy site. If you would like to see more of my bristlecone photos I have a gallery solely devoted to these ancient trees. Want a print of this photo? Use this link to my Etsy shop and save 20% today.