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My Wonderful Wife – Weekly Photo

Nine years ago this month I met the love of my life, though I didn”t know it at the time. We met at work, and got to know each other carpooling to work and my life has never been the same. Seven and half years of marriage, 3 kids, and countless adventures and I have cherished every moment with Heidi.

Two weeks ago our lives had a very shocking bump in the road. Heidi was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer that has come on very quickly, and life has been a blur ever since. Today she scheduled surgery and the start of her cancer treatment. It”s beatable and curable, but we know we have a long road ahead of us. I couldn”t be more proud of her and the courage she has shown in the midst of some very tough and painful decisions. We know God is sovereign in this and everything as we pray for His healing hand on Heidi.

If you wish to read more about her journey through cancer treatment visit her blog:


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